December 12, 2023
APG Takes Strides for the Foundation of Hope’s 35th Walk for Hope
APG Companies was thrilled to be a sponsor for the Foundation of Hope’s 35th Walk for Hope at The Angus Barn! 3,700 people chose to walk, run and support those suffering from mental illness, and over $820,000 was raised, resulting in Walk for Hope’s biggest walk ever both for participants and fundraising! Our own Alicia LaBoy, who represented APG with both passion and enthusiasm, had this to say:
“My interest in Walk for Hope rests in the important work they do, and the hope they are bringing to countless families facing the nuanced challenges of mental illness. Mental health is often stigmatized or overlooked, so it’s very important to understand and overcome those initial issues in order to help others. Each year, the funds raised from this walk go towards multiple smaller grants and are received by several foundations based at the UNC Chapel Hill, so this research is being done in our own backyard to benefit our local community. Also, the food was awesome!”
What a momentous event on such a beautiful day!
Founded in 1984 by Thad Eure, owner of The Angus Barn, and his wife Alice, the Foundation of Hope partners with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Department of Psychiatry to help fund research focused on understanding the causes of, and the potential treatments for, mental illness. With 1 in 3 adults suffering from mental illnesses, the Foundation for Hope is tirelessly working to change the outcomes of this devastating disorder!
For more information or to donate, please visit the Foundation of Hope’s website.