May 16, 2018
Passage Home serves Wake County
All of Passage Home’s program goals are to create self-sufficiency for their clients and families.
Passage Home looks to break the cycle of trauma and poverty for our clients through a plethora of interventions and supports focused on creating stability and security, setting, and achieving long-term goals, and addressing the Social Determinants of Health within our communities.
Self-Sufficiency–as defined by Passage Home–is an adult’s ability to maintain a budget that meets all their families’ basic needs without short-term assistance from any outside parties and a child’s ability to have all their basic needs met so they can develop through age-appropriate milestones. Passage Home’s programs are designed to treat each client (family or single) individually and holistically by working with a dedicated Case Manager once the member(s) are enrolled in a Passage Home program.
To volunteer visit
To make a donation on line at
513 Branch St, Raleigh, NC 27601
(919) 834-0666